Transport services
Excavation and planning works
+372 5565 7135
About company

OÜ Vlasli was established in 2007. The company provides transport services to enterprises of all kind.

We value our customers as well as operative and fast service. We develop the most optimal solution in co-operation with our clients. OÜ Vlasi is a trustworthy and flexible partner who values the time of its customers as well as the quality of work performed.

OÜ Vlasli offers various kind of transport services.

Freight and delivery – we deliver goods to an agreed place on previously specified conditions.

  • REG. NO 11435296
  • VAT ID: EE101217064
  • Legal address: Maleva 35-8, Kohtla-Järve, Ida-Virumaa, Eesti
  • Office address: Tammiku põik 18, Ahtme, Kohtla-Järve, Ida-Virumaa, Eesti
  • Phone: 55 657 135